The Junior League of Greenville is a network of women developed as community and civic leaders creating community impact. Women who have an interest in being engaged in community and civic leadership and who seek the opportunity to engage in work through the Junior League that results in a meaningful and sustained community image are welcome.
To be an active member of the League, women must be at least 22 years of age by July 1st of the year in which they are applying and live or work in Pitt County.
Fill out a New Member Application and pay new member dues of $150.
New member dues are prorated for November & February application dates.
The new member application deadlines for the 2024-2025 league year are:
September 15th, November 15th, February 15th.
New members are consider a provisional member until they met the following requirements:
Provisional members have one year from the date of joining to complete all requirements. Once requirements are met members will be recognized, promoted to active member status and placed on a committee. Provisionals will be assigned two mentors that will help guide them through the process and track their progress in completing all requirements.
Transfers to the Junior League of Greenville must first contact their “home” League and request a transfer to the JLG. Once the paperwork is completed through AJLI and forwarded to the JLG, the membership secretary will send the transferring member a welcome letter and information regarding responsibilities. The transfer will then be asked to forward membership dues.
Transfer members who maintained any other membership status will be identified as active members at the Junior League of Greenville, NC provided they meet eligibility for membership and have completed provisional training.
Are You Moving Away from Greenville or Pitt County?
If you are a current member of the Junior League of Greenville and would like to transfer your membership to a League in another city, please fill out our Transfer Request Form.
Sustaining Members are members who have completed the provisional requirements and served for a minimum of six years as active members. Sustaining Members continue to support the League through the payment of annual dues.